OK. Adding a little color to the visible universe - here is the same
Rho Ophiuchi region of the sky seen in the previous post - albeit done a little more properly. 66 one minute exposures with a Canon 5D MKII through an 85mm lens at f/1.8 and ISO 800. Tracked, standard astro post processed with flats, biases and darks, and finally gaudified with photoshop. Ha!
Hi Dave-
Great shot of the dark clouds - particularly like the clear differentiation between dark and REALLY dark clouds. Looks like the snake nebula is about the blackest area... I need to collect more photons - running out of time with the eventual arrival of the monsoons!
Very nice. Used to stare at Rho Oph for hours and hours on Kitt Peak. It sure looked different at 115.27120 GHz. ;-) Anyway, Very nice work, David, very nice.
Beauty Full !!
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