Tonight a crew from PBS showed up at the VATT to film the LBT from our roof (my favorite photographic perch). "Brian" - the NOVA series cinematographer - sported a HUGE (and expensive) High Definition video camera with which to record the opening of the LBT building just past sunset. Although he was a godless "nikon" shooter (we all know - Canon Rules!)- I let him practice his trade anyway ;->
Here are a few shots of the picturesque scence.

"Brian" - the godless nikon shooter.

Looking West from the top of the VATT.

Looking East toward the LBT and SMT telescopes.
Hi Dave-
Nice get on the crepuscular AND anti-crepuscular rays! Spetacular!
great shots!
godless nikon sound funny :P
Hey Dave,
Crepuscular and anti-crepuscular. Now there are some words you don't hear very often. :) Very nice shots indeed. And Canon does rule. Darned godless Nikon shooters anyway. How's the vacation going?
That is a wonderful place to take pictures from at the VATT. Just another reason to ask for more telescope time there.
I was going to say something about those crepuscular and anti-crepuscular rays, but I think Dean has said enough already....
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