The two images above are 3 minute exposures through an Canon EOS 5D MKII and Sigma 8mm lens at f/3.5 ISO 2000. Below is a sum of 80 three minute exposures through the same system then rectilinearized.

I didn't have a tracking mount to do any deep space photography so I tried my hand at seeing what the new Canon EOS 5D MKII can do at high ISO's and short exposures. Here are the results.

The Large Magellanic Cloud - Canon EOS 5D MKII | 85mm F/1.2 @ F/1.4 | 30 seconds | ISO 3200.

The NTT (left) and 3.6 Meter Telescopes. Canon EOS 5D | 85mm | F/1.4 | 30 seconds | ISO 3200.

Crux and the Coal Sack area of the southern Milky Way. Canon EOS 5D MKII | 85mm | F/1.4 | 30 seconds | ISO 3200.