Well another day - another technology generated way to keep up with Dave's photography.
I just returned from three days on Kitt Peak where many large astronomical telescopes are available for use by astronomers from around the world. This is a view of the 4 Meter Mayall Reflector - the largest telescope on the mountain. Taken from atop the Steward Observatory 2.3 meter telescope building just south of the Mayall Telescope. I used a Canon 5D camera and a Canon 16-35mm zoom lens along with a Singh-Ray Gold/Blue Polarizer to capture this dramatic sunset - typical of the 7,000 foot vistas on this mountain sanctuary for "men with the long eyes".
I just returned from three days on Kitt Peak where many large astronomical telescopes are available for use by astronomers from around the world. This is a view of the 4 Meter Mayall Reflector - the largest telescope on the mountain. Taken from atop the Steward Observatory 2.3 meter telescope building just south of the Mayall Telescope. I used a Canon 5D camera and a Canon 16-35mm zoom lens along with a Singh-Ray Gold/Blue Polarizer to capture this dramatic sunset - typical of the 7,000 foot vistas on this mountain sanctuary for "men with the long eyes".